

Results – Dodleston, Cheshire. 17/11/24

Posted by tracy On December 9th, 2024

A number of competition casters met for the re-scheduled Dodleston event as a finale to the BFCC casting season. With the forecast for showers developing into steady rain later on, the casters were keen to get the event underway and finished before they got a soaking. As such all seven events were conducted in double quick time, finishing just before a heavy downpour. The wind for the distance events was distinctly patchy but thankfully when it did blow, albeit lightly, it was in a consistent direction. As always the following results are in feet and inches:

#5 Trout Distance: James Evans 121.06; Nick Moore 114.04; Steve Parkes 113.01; Andrew Bagshaw 105.11; Marcus Robson 103.06; Stewart Ross 101.03.

#7 Trout Distance: James Evans 125.01; Andrew Bagshaw 122.10; Steve Parkes 115.05; Nick Moore 113.01; Stewart Ross 109.01; Marcus Robson 107.06.

ST27: James Evans 149.04; Steve Parkes 138.02; Andrew Bagshaw 137.10; Nick Moore 129.06; Stewart Ross 123.11; Stuart Tod 116.09.

S55: Steve Parkes 189.09; James Evans 177.06; Andrew Bagshaw 161.07; Stuart Tod 159.03; Stewart Ross 153.02; Nick Moore 133.10.

T38: James Evans 166.09; Stuart Tod 158.05; Steve Parkes 142.09; Nick Moore 134.02; Andrew Bagshaw 131.07; Stewart Ross 129.07.

T120: Stuart Tod 203.03; James Evans 194.00; Steve Parkes 177.03; Stewart Ross 170.11; Nick Moore 134.02; Andrew Bagshaw 132.03.

Accuracy (points): James Evans 52; Steve Parkes 37; Nick Moore 34; Tracy Thomas 28; Stuart Tod 24; Stewart Ross 22; Andrew Bagshaw 13.

Overall event (percentage): 1st James Evans 689.19; 2nd Steve Parkes 621.89; 3rd Nick Moore 553.67.

Results – Bentley, Essex. 05/10/24

Posted by tracy On October 7th, 2024

The casters at the final full BFCC event of the year couldn’t have asked for better weather, warm enough for casting in just a T-shirt and with a relatively consistent easterly breeze. Due to issues with running a full calendar of events this year, it was decided to make this event a one-off shoot-out for the championship (rather than the best two results counting as in previous years). A big ‘thank you’ must go to Rickard who travelled over from Sweden specifically to compete. Also many thanks to all the competitors over the course of the year. As always the following results are in feet and inches:

#5 Trout Distance: Rickard Gustafsson 127.09; Mike Heritage 125.06*; James Evans 124.01; Tracy Thomas 118.00; Howard Bishop 116.00; Mick Copeman 112.00; Steve Murray 84.04.

#7 Trout Distance: Rickard Gustafsson 135.05; Mike Heritage 129.03; James Evans 128.04; Howard Bishop 122.02; Tracy Thomas 118.05; Mick Copeman 113.06*.

ST27: James Evans 152.03; Mike Heritage 146.10; Rickard Gustafsson 144.03; Mick Copeman 135.00; Tracy Thomas 131.01; Howard Bishop 118.07.

S55: Rickard Gustafsson 190.10; James Evans 187.00; Mike Heritage 172.10; Tracy Thomas 164.07; Mick Copeman 158.11; Howard Bishop 149.07; Peter Jarvis 146.01.

T38: James Evans 180.10; Rickard Gustafsson 162.07; Mike Heritage 146.11; Howard Bishop 138.02; Peter Jarvis 137.07; Mick Copeman 136.05; Tracy Thomas 135.10.

T120: James Evans 221.01; Mike Heritage 197.07*; Rickard Gustafsson 195.06; Howard Bishop 174.08; Peter Jarvis 167.02; Tracy Thomas 156.05.

Accuracy (points): James Evans 64*; Tracy Thomas 49*; Peter Jarvis 34; Mike Heritage 33; Howard Bishop 33; Mick Copeman 27; Rickard Gustafsson 27.

Overall event (percentage): 1st James Evans 690.76; 2nd Rickard Gustafsson 615.17; 3rd Mike Heritage 602.43.

*Records: James Evans beat the overall and S50 Accuracy record. Tracy Thomas also extended her Overall and S50 Accuracy Record. Mike Heritage beat the V70 #5 trout distance record as well as extending his V70 best in the T120. Mick Copeman extended his V80 record in #7 Trout Distance.

Results – Jersey, Channel Islands. 07/09/24

Posted by tracy On September 15th, 2024

I don’t know whether we were unlucky with the weather or not at this event. The competition was a complete wind lottery with a very light breeze swinging in all directions, including headwinds. That said, the next day we had horizontal torrential rain, so perhaps the fact we managed to complete a full programme meant we got lucky on the day. Many thanks to the Jersey fly fishers for hosting us and to all those who entered and help run the comp events. Thanks to Jose for his virtual support also. As always the following results are in feet and inches:

#5 Trout Distance: Mike Heritage 114.00; James Evans 108.01; Ross Bannerman 105.00; Kevin White 102.03; Tracy Thomas 86.03; Steve Olsen 85.11; Greig Brown 74.00; Luke Kilwin 69.01

Virtual entry: Jose Nieto 126.02

#7 Trout Distance: James Evans 111.02; Ross Bannerman 110.01; Kevin White 109.08; Mike Heritage 101.08; Tracy Thomas 100.10; Steve Olsen 91.07; Greig Brown 87.04.

Virtual entry: Jose Nieto 128.07

B100 (#5 + #7): Steve Olsen 177.06; Greig Brown 161.04; Luke Kilwin 69.01

ST27: James Evans 155.06; Ross Bannerman 134.00; Mike Heritage 133.10; Kevin White 131.09; Steve Olsen 131.09; Tracy Thomas 131.02; Greig Brown 118.01; Luke Kilwin 89.09.

S55: James Evans 170.02; Ross Bannerman 162.11; Steve Olsen 162.01; Tracy Thomas 140.08; Greig Brown 127.05; Luke Kilwin 119.02; Kevin White 115.11; Bob McGinnigle 90.01

T38: Ross Bannerman 163.03; James Evans 156.02; Kevin White 151.10; Steve Olsen 142.08; Greig Brown 132.02; Tracy Thomas 125.05; Luke Kilwin 72.00

T120: James Evans 201.07; Ross Bannerman 174.03; Steve Olsen 161.07; Tracy Thomas 148.05; Greig Brown 146.06; Kevin White 145.00; Luke Kilwin 125.07.

Accuracy (points): Mike Heritage 43; James Evans 40; Ross Bannerman 38; Kevin White 34; Tracy Thomas 32; Steve Olsen 16; Luke Kilwin 7; Greig Brown 7; Bob McGinnigle 4.

Overall event (percentage): 1st James Evans 683.47; 2nd Ross Bannerman 647.89; 3rd Kevin White 583.86.

Results – Ashford in the Water, Derbyshire. 17/08/24

Posted by tracy On August 20th, 2024

The Ashford in the Water cricket ground is often the most challenging venue of the year for competition casting and this event lived up to that. The very light breeze seemed to blow from all angles at the same time, with often the caster and the marker reporting that it was blowing in completely opposite directions. It was great to see the return of the B100 competition which has been missing of late due to lack of competitors – well done to Don for winning this. Thanks to all those who entered and help run the comp events and to John Reynolds for his virtual entries. As always the following results are in feet and inches:

#5 Trout Distance: Nick Moore 123.05; James Evans 114.01; Mike Heritage 108.02; Stewart Ross 106.05; Tracy Thomas 104.07; Don Stazicker 88.04; Stephen Lindley 83.00; Ian Crook 82.04.

#7 Trout Distance: Nick Moore 123.00; James Evans 113.11; Stewart Ross 109.09; Tracy Thomas 108.06; Don Stazicker 87.06; Ian Crook 78.03; Stephen Lindley 77.11.

Virtual entry: John Reynolds 112.09

B100 (#5 + #7): Don Stazicker 175.10; Stephen Lindley 160.11; Ian Crook 160.07.

ST27: James Evans 134.00; Stewart Ross 121.01; Nick Moore 119.01; Tracy Thomas 105.08; Stephen Lindley 102.00 ; Don Stazicker 98.00; Ian Crook 91.03.

Virtual Entry: John Reynolds 143.02

S55: James Evans 154.11; Ian Crook 147.11; Nick Moore 134.06; Tracy Thomas 133.02; Stewart Ross 129.09.

Virtual Entry: John Reynolds 154.00

T38: James Evans 172.00; Nick Moore 159.08; Don Stazicker 143.04; Tracy Thomas 129.05; Stewart Ross 126.06; Stephen Lindley 123.00; Ian Crook 122.07.

Virtual Entry: John Reynolds 168.01

T120: James Evans 187.09; Tracy Thomas 169.05; Stewart Ross 169.03; Ian Crook 159.04; Nick Moore 144.01.

Accuracy (points): Nick Moore 42; Tracy Thomas 41; James Evans 41; Mike Heritage 38; Stewart Ross 28; Ian Crook 9.

Overall event (percentage): 1st James Evans 682.23; 2nd Nick Moore 645.27; 3rd Tracy Thomas 600.17.

Results – Willesborough, Kent. 23/06/24

Posted by tracy On August 15th, 2024

The first BFCC competition was a very quiet affair with only 4 people competing in the distance events plus an extra 2 braving the accuracy. Thanks to those who are still trying to keep casting sport alive, including Jose in Spain for his virtual entry. The glorious sunshine and very light winds made for a very pleasant day albeit a tough one for the distance casters. Whenever the forecast is for just a gentle breeze we know that at Willesborough the direction is going to be very variable. This was countered by setting out two tapes at an angle which the caster had the choice to cast along according to the wind at the time. We also allowed casters to call a ‘time-out’ when the breeze swung to blowing in from the rod side – this was only possible due to the low numbers competing. As per the usual agenda the accuracy event was cast first followed by the ‘heavy’ gear – the S55, T38 and T120. After a short lunch break the #5, #7 and ST27 were cast. This event also saw the introduction of a percentage system for determining the overall winner as opposed to adding the positions. With 7 events the maximum score possible is 700%. As always the following results are in feet and inches:

#5 Trout Distance: James Evans 120.01; Mick Copeman 114.02; Tracy Thomas 105.10; Howard Bishop 105.00.

Virtual entry: Jose Nieto 129.03

#7 Trout Distance: James Evans 141.00; Howard Bishop 121.00; Tracy Thomas 112.00; Mick Copeman 111.08.

Virtual entry: Jose Nieto 131.11

ST27: James Evans 161.00; Tracy Thomas 142.04; Mick Copeman 131.05; Howard Bishop 130.00.

S55: James Evans 172.07; Mick Copeman 138.05; Tracy Thomas 135.06; Howard Bishop 131.08.

T38: James Evans 164.00; Howard Bishop 148.00; Mick Copeman 124.06; Tracy Thomas 116.09.

T120: James Evans 184.02; Howard Bishop 159.03; Tracy Thomas 155.03; Mick Copeman 130.04.

Accuracy (points): Tracy Thomas 45; James Evans 44; Howard Bishop 38; Mick Copeman 32; Mike Heritage 30; Tony Ryan 8.

Overall event (percentage): 1st James Evans 697.78; 2nd Howard Bishop 591.34; 3rd Tracy Thomas 588.76.

Records*: Tracy extended her S50 and Overall accuracy record and Mick claimed the vacant V80 record in the same event. Well done both.

Results – Bentley, Essex. 01/10/23

Posted by tracy On December 11th, 2023

The last BFCC competition of the year was held in balmy warm conditions for the start of October with a light, but as always slightly inconsistent, south-westerly breeze. Many thanks to all the competitors, especially those who had travelled from the Netherlands to take part and to Jose in Spain for his virtual entry. As per the usual agenda the accuracy event was cast first followed by the ‘heavy’ gear – the S55, T38 and T120. After a short lunch break the #5, #7 and ST27 were cast. As always the following results are in feet and inches:

#5 Trout Distance: Bart De Zwaan 131.00; Nick Moore 130.10; James Evans 128.00; Mike Heritage 119.02; Tracy Thomas 118.10; Callum Bright 117.11; Howard Bishop 113.01; Arie Ruitenburg 112.01; John Reynolds 111.11; Richard Zijdeman 106.04.

Virtual entry: Jose Nieto 125.00

#7 Trout Distance: Bart De Zwaan 144.09; James Evans 137.02; Nick Moore 135.05; Mike Heritage 126.05; John Reynolds 126.04; Howard Bishop 124.02; Callum Bright 119.02; Arie Ruitenburg 118.00; Tracy Thomas 117.07; Richard Zijdeman 114.02.

Virtual entry: Jose Nieto 130.11

ST27: John Reynolds 162.09*; James Evans 162.03; Arie Ruitenburg 142.06; Bart De Zwaan 141.02; Tracy Thomas 139.10; Mike Heritage 135.03; Howard Bishop 133.09; Nick Moore 131.05; Richard Zijdeman 127.00; Callum Bright 126.00.

Virtual entry: Jose Nieto 132.6

S55: James Evans 206.10; Arie Ruitenburg 179.00; Tracy Thomas 177.11; Bart De Zwaan 177.08; John Reynolds 177.02; Nick Moore 175.06; Mike Heritage 171.02; Howard Bishop 170.05; Callum Bright 163.05.

T38: John Reynolds 186.09*; James Evans 164.03; Bart De Zwaan 159.10; Mike Heritage 146.01; Tracy Thomas 138.00; Nick Moore 137.07; Arie Ruitenburg 137.01; Howard Bishop 132.10; Callum Bright 132.00.

T120: James Evans 221.04; Mike Heritage 187.03*; Bart De Zwaan 172.06; Howard Bishop 168.09; John Reynolds 157.24; Tracy Thomas 154.02; Arie Ruitenburg 149.00; Nick Moore 145.03.

Accuracy (points): Bart De Zwaan 53; Nick Moore 47; Mike Heritage 42; James Evans 42; Arie Ruitenburg 41; John Reynolds 38; Tracy Thomas 29 ; Callum Bright 26; Howard Bishop 22; Richard Zijdeman 14.

Overall event (points): 1st James Evans 15; 2nd Bart de Zwaan 17; 3rd Mike Heritage 30.

Records*: Having just had a big birthday, John Reynolds beat the V70 ST27 and T38 records. Mike Heritage also beat the T120 record in the same age category. Well done both.

Results – Ashford in the Water, Derbyshire. 19/08/23

Posted by tracy On August 26th, 2023

A second BFCC competition event on the run with a low turn-out of competitors. Many thanks to those who braved the weather and to those who entered the various disciplines virtually (mostly from Australia). The wind at Ashford cricket club was incredibly swirly – a bit like throwing a fly line into a washing machine and hoping it would come out straight. Distances were seriously affected as a result of this. As always the following results are in feet and inches:

#5 Trout Distance: James Evans 126.08; Tracy Thomas 108.02; Callum Bright 107.01; Stewart Ross 103.09; Stephen Linley 71.00
Virtual entry: Mike Duzynski 127.11; Corey Heath 96.00; Chris Baty 87.08

#7 Trout Distance: James Evans 124.04; Callum Bright 113.01; Tracy Thomas 111.08; Stewart Ross 111.03 Stephen Linley 79.09
Virtual entry: John Reynolds 136.04

ST27: James Evans 131.10; Callum Bright 123.01; Tracy Thomas 119.06; Stewart Ross 118.04; Stephen Linley 101.09
Virtual entry: Mike Duzynski 149.03; John Reynolds 147.10

S55: James Evans 170.04; Stewart Ross 160.09; Callum Bright 146.03; Tracy Thomas 143.07

T38: James Evans 160.05; Stewart Ross 139.02; Tracy Thomas 129.08; Callum Bright 129.03
Virtual entry: Corey Heath 156.01; Chris Baty 155.06; Mark Cuthbert 150.01

T120: James Evans 196.11; Stewart Ross 164.08; Tracy Thomas 143.00
Virtual entry: Chris Baty 185.05; Mark Cuthbert 159.01

Accuracy (points): Tracy Thomas 34; James Evans 32; Mike Heritage 27; Callum Bright 22; Stewart Ross 15

Overall event (points): 1st James Evans 8; 2nd Tracy Thomas 19; 3rd Callum Bright 22.

Results – Bath, Somerset. 22/07/23

Posted by tracy On July 24th, 2023

Unfortunately the forecast of heavy rain for the day meant that the turn out for the competition events was much lower than normal, but many thanks to those that did brave it though. As well as the incessant rain the casters had to deal with a very inconsistent, swirly breeze. They knew it was going to be tough as after 20 minutes of discussion and casting we still hadn’t decided which direction to set the measuring tapes in – it was blowing in different directions depending on where you were stood on the field. As such, casters were often faced with side winds or head winds (or both at once). A decision was taken not to run the accuracy event, mainly because the casters wanted to get into the shelter of the club house for a coffee at that point! As always the following results are in feet and inches:

#5 Trout Distance: James Evans 125.04; Mike Heritage 105.11; Tracy Thomas 100.11; Stewart Ross 98.00; Howard Bishop 97.08.
Virtual entry: Jose Nieto 123.06, Chris Baty 80.06

#7 Trout Distance: James Evans 125.00; Howard Bishop 107.09; Stewart Ross 106.02; Mike Heritage 105.10; Tracy Thomas 101.00
Virtual entry: Jose Nieto 128.10

ST27: James Evans 135.05; Stewart Ross 126.02; Tracy Thomas 122.04; Mike Heritage118.05; Howard Bishop 117.01

S55: Howard Bishop 168.00; Stewart Ross 157.00; James Evans 148.10; Tracy Thomas 146.11

T38: James Evans 159.01; Stewart Ross 133.08; Howard Bishop 127.09; Tracy Thomas 123.00

T120: James Evans 195.10; Stewart Ross 173.02; Tracy Thomas 164.04; Howard Bishop 154.04
Virtual entry: Chris Baty 214.02

Overall event (points): 1st James Evans 9; 2nd Stewart Ross 16; 3rd Howard Bishop 21.

Results – Dodleston, Cheshire. 25/06/23

Posted by tracy On June 26th, 2023

The second Dodleston BFCC competition of the year was arranged to coincide with the World Fly Fishing Day and the SIM fly fishing festival in Castel di Sangro, Italy. The morning weather was bright with a steady breeze, however the forecast was for heavy rain later so the competition events proceeded at a pace to try and ensure the casters didn’t get a soaking. This didn’t work and the casters did get caught in a torrential downpour. When the rain arrived the wind also performed a complete 180 degree shift in the space of only a couple of minutes – obviously some results were affected by this shift, although the tapes were switched mid-competition to try and save some from being massively disadvantaged. As always the following results are in feet and inches:

#5 Trout Distance: James Evans 129.05; Steve Parkes 124.05; Andrew Bagshaw 120.02; Callum Bright 116.02; Howard Bishop 112.11; Stewart Ross 106.10; Tracy Thomas 104.08; Nigel Conlon 82.06.

#7 Trout Distance: Howard Bishop 132.07; James Evans 130.02; Andrew Bagshaw 130.00; Steve Parkes 123.11; Callum Bright 123.08; Stewart Ross 118.00; Tracy Thomas 111.11; Nigel Conlon 83.06.

John Reynolds (Virtual entry) 136.06

ST27: Steve Parkes 159.03; Callum Bright 153.05; Andrew Bagshaw 144.05; James Evans 137.07; Stewart Ross 137.00; Howard Bishop 134.02; Tracy Thomas 133.10.

John Reynolds (Virtual entry) 162.07

S55: James Evans 206.11; Stewart Ross 202.02; Steve Parkes 186.11; Tracy Thomas 185.00; Stuart Todd 178.07; Callum Bright 164.02; Andrew Bagshaw 160.00; Howard Bishop 159.05.

John Reynolds (Virtual entry) 168.10

T38: James Evans 181.04; Stuart Todd 168.09; Steve Parkes 165.11; Andrew Bagshaw 163.08; Stewart Ross 156.03; Tracy Thomas 156.02; Howard Bishop 146.11; Callum Bright 142.11.

John Reynold (Virtual Entry) 168.04

T120: James Evans 226.06; Stuart Todd 206.00; Steve Parkes 205.08; Stewart Ross 184.09; Howard Bishop 178.07; Andrew Bagshaw 164.09; Tracy Thomas 154.08; Callum Bright 127.06.

Accuracy (points): James Evans 58; Callum Bright 42; Steve Parkes 40; Tracy Thomas 37; Stuart Todd 32; Howard Bishop 31; Stewart Ross 21; Andrew Bagshaw 13

Overall event (points): 1st James Evans 11; 2nd Steve Parkes 19; 3rd Andrew Bagshaw 34.

Records: In his last meeting as an under 18 year old, Callum Bright broke the J17 #5 trout distance, Salmon Overhead S55, Accuracy and ST27 records. Stewart Ross became only the 2nd caster to exceed 200ft in a BFCC S55 event, taking the S60 record in doing so. Tracy Thomas also produced a great cast in the S55 to beat her overall and S50 records, she also extended her T38 S50 record. Well done all.

Results – Willesborough, Kent. 28/05/23

Posted by tracy On June 4th, 2023

Another BFCC competition where there was a decent wind blowing, but as is typical of cricket grounds surrounded by trees the direction was somewhat variable. This became so much of an issue that for the afternoon session each casting position had two tapes arranged in a ‘Vee’ – the caster then nominated which of the tapes they would cast down prior to the clock starting. It should also be pointed out that the accuracy court was set up in the apparent lee of the club house – this proved to be a mistake as the building amplified the swirly nature of the conditions, resulting in lower than normal scoring in the event.
The competition started off with accuracy followed by the T38, S55 and T120 events. After the lunch break the #5, #7 and ST27 were cast with the dual tape layout. The following results are in feet and inches:

#5 Trout Distance: Nick Moore 131.10; Bart De Zwaan 130.10; James Evans 130.01; Jose Nieto (Virtual Entry) 126.00; Kei Okamoto 120.05; Mike Heritage 120.04; Mick Copeman 118.04; Tracy Thomas 115.11; Howard Bishop 101.07; Andrew Bagshaw 98.06; Corey Heath (Virtual Entry) 88.09; Chris Baty (Virtual Entry) 76.00.

#7 Trout Distance: Bart De Zwaan 153.02; James Evans 144.10; Kei Okamoto 135.03; Nick Moore 134.06; Jose Nieto (Virtual Entry) 132.05; Howard Bishop 121.10; Andrew Bagshaw 119.03; Tracy Thomas 109.11; Mick Copeman 109.01.

ST27: Kei Okamoto 164.00; James Evans 163.01; Bart De Zwaan 159.00; Mick Copeman 153.05; Howard Bishop 146.09; Tracy Thomas 146.04 ; Andrew Bagshaw 138.11; Nick Moore 133.02.

S55: James Evans 218.11; Kei Okamoto 193.09; Bart De Zwaan 191.00; Tracy Thomas 176.06; Mick Copeman 167.09; Howard Bishop 167.03; Andrew Bagshaw 160.11; Nick Moore 156.01.

T38: James Evans 182.03; Andrew Bagshaw 177.08; Bart De Zwaan 169.04; Kei Okamoto 165.03; Nick Moore 157.06; Mick Copeman 148.07; Tracy Thomas 146.02; Howard Bishop 137.02.

T120: Kei Okamoto 227.06; James Evans 216.00; Bart De Zwaan 212.02; Tracy Thomas 183.09; Howard Bishop 169.09; Andrew Bagshaw 163.04.

Accuracy (points): Mike Heritage 38; Kei Okamoto 34; Bart De Zwaan 33 ; Nick Moore 28; Tracy Thomas 24; James Evans 19; Howard Bishop 13; Andrew Bagshaw 8.

Overall event (points): 1st James Evans 17; 2nd Kei Okamoto 17; 3rd Bart de Zwaan 18.

  • Placing determined by countback of 1st and 2nd positions in individual events.

Records: Bart De Zwaan beat the senior and overall #7 record. Mick Copeman extended his ST27 and S55 V80 records. Finally Tracy Thomas added a couple of feet to her woman’s S50 T38 record. Well done all.