Archive for September, 2013


Glasgow 2013

Posted by mikeh On September 16th, 2013

For the first time in living memory we held a meeting without the presence of Mike Marshall who was unable to make the trip. This presented a unique logistical problem because Mike usually drives to all the events and transports all of our equipment with him. This year meant getting it there by other methods which was personal luggage, delivery service and local assistance. As it turned out it all arrived, with the exception of cast markers which we improvised. For once the weather seemed kind to us, no torrential rain and no prelude to a hurricane, as in previous years, but the sting in the tail was some very ‘heavy’ air and a fickle breeze which caused the majority of the casts to dump short of where they might have gone in kinder conditions.

Despite this we still had a very good competition that had some new faces in the leading positions. Scott Louden and young James Hek are certainly names to watch out for in the future. It was great to see Andrew Toft taking an interest in single handed fly rods and trying out the double handed tournament gear for the first time.

James Hek improved the J17 #5 record to 116’1” and set the J17 benchmark. Tracy Thomas continued her advance through the women’s records by adding the T120 event to her list of achievements.

I would like to thank everyone who helped with all the work needed for the event to run smoothly, so that’s all of you. And special thanks to Ben Dixon and Alberto Laidlaw for all their help in making sure all the equipment we needed was delivered and returned.

So, not a lot to report really. It all went well and everyone enjoyed themselves. ‘Nuf said’.

The next meeting is the last of the season at Shenfield (Brentwood) so see you there.



Posted by James Evans On September 10th, 2013

Thankfully, despite the forecast, the rain held off for the whole day.  The first casting round benefited from a slight tail wind, however as the day progressed the breeze started flipping randomly through 180 degrees, making getting a good cast off a lottery at times.

Distances are in feet and inches:

#5F – Scott Loudon 121.10; James Hek 116.01; Ben Dixon 115.00; Andrew Toft 113.04; Mike Heritage 112.04; Brian Szukala 102.10; James Evans 101.00; Andrew Parker 97.05; Tracy Thomas 96.08; Kevin Muir 96.07; Mike Barrio 96.01; Alberto Laidlaw 90.07; Angus McLeod 80.00

#7F – James Evans 128.01; Mike Heritage 123.01; Ben Dixon 122.11; James Hek 117.11; Scott Loudon 116.00; Kevin Muir 113.03; Andrew Toft 111.04; Brian Szukala 111.00; Tracy Thomas 99.11; Andrew Parker 94.03; Mike Barrio 91.11; Angus McLeod 85.04; Alberto Laidlaw 81.05

B100 (#5 + #7) –  Tracy Thomas 196.07; Andrew Parker 191.08; Mike Barrio 188.00; Alberto Laidlaw 172.00; Angus McLeod 165.04

ST27 – Ben Dixon 141.04; James Hek 132.00; James Evans 130.00; Mike Heritage 120.04; Mike Barrio 118.01; Brian Szukala 116.04; Kevin Muir 115.00; Tracy Thomas 113.01; Andrew Parker 110.06; Scott Loudon 109.00; Alberto Laidlaw 101.00; Andrew Toft 94.00

T38 – James Hek 148.01; Mike Heritage 145.09; Kevin Muir 142.03; Ben Dixon 142.02; James Evans 136.05; Andrew Toft 128.05; Brian Szukala 122.10; Mike Barrio 121.08; Scott Loudon 118.00; Tracy Thomas 109.03

T120 – Ben Dixon 183.08; Kevin Muir 178.02; Andrew Toft 176.04; Scott Loudon 174.08; Brian Szukala 171.06; James Hek 148.07; James Evans 148.07; Tracy Thomas 146.08; Mike Barrio 132.04; Mike Heritage 128.08

WC55g Salmon – Ben Dixon 154.06; Mike Heritage 140.06; Scott Loudon 139.06; Andrew Toft 138.01; Kevin Muir 134.07; James Hek 133.00; James Evans 130.07; Mike Barrio 125.10; Brian Szukala 117.05; Tracy Thomas 91.05

Overall Position (Points) – Ben Dixon 13; James Hek 21; Mike Heritage 25; James Evans 29; Scott Loudon 32; Kevin Muir 33; Andrew Toft 36; Brian Szukala 41; Mike Barrio 52; Tracy Thomas 54

The following records were set/claimed:

James Hek takes the J17 #5F record and sets the J17 ST27 record

Tracy Thomas takes the women’s overall T120 record.