Results – Ashford in the Water, Derbyshire. 11/06/22
Posted by tracy On June 13th, 2022The weather forecast for the Derbyshire event held the prospect of some record breaking casts given the strong breeze predicted, however it was apparent that this was not going to be an easy day for the competitors when the direction switched three times in the time it took to set out the accuracy rings. As the day proceeded the wind turned out to be very problematic with all events affected by a combination of headwinds, shearing winds and flat calms. The competition started off with the accuracy event and then, after much head scratching when discussing the best casting direction, the tapes were set out for the T38, S55 and T120. After the lunch break the #5, #7 and ST27 were cast in the afternoon. The following results are in feet and inches:
#5 Trout Distance: James Evans 112.09; Kei Okamoto 112.04; Tracy Thomas 107.11; Mike Heritage 104.08; Stewart Ross 103.03; Mick Copeman 100.06; Stephen Lindley 75.01.
#7 Trout Distance: James Evans 125.09; Tracy Thomas 124.00; Mike Heritage 118.11; Kei Okamoto 108.08; Stewart Ross 106.09; Mick Copeman 104.09; Stephen Lindley 76.04.
ST27: James Evans 149.07; Kei Okamoto 135.06; Mick Copeman 131.01; Tracy Thomas 123.05; Mike Heritage 119.09; Stewart Ross 117.02; Stephen Lindley 90.02.
S55: James Evans 175.03; Kei Okamoto 165.04; Stewart Ross 154.02; Mick Copeman 153.06; Tracy Thomas 149.07; Mike Heritage 128.06.
T38: James Evans 175.09; Mike Heritage 152.08; Stewart Ross 137.11; Tracy Thomas 136.03.
T120: James Evans 191.08; Mike Heritage 175.00; Stewart Ross 162.05; Tracy Thomas 146.01.
Accuracy (points): Kei Okamoto 50; Mike Heritage 45; Tracy Thomas 43; James Evans 43; Mark Pywell 29; Ian Griffin 16.
Overall event (points): 1st James Evans 10; 2nd Kei Okamoto 21; 3rd Mike Heritage 24.
Records: Tracy beat her senior (50) accuracy record and Mike Heritage beat the V70 accuracy best.