Results – Ashford in the Water, Derbyshire. 19/08/23
Posted by tracy On August 26th, 2023A second BFCC competition event on the run with a low turn-out of competitors. Many thanks to those who braved the weather and to those who entered the various disciplines virtually (mostly from Australia). The wind at Ashford cricket club was incredibly swirly – a bit like throwing a fly line into a washing machine and hoping it would come out straight. Distances were seriously affected as a result of this. As always the following results are in feet and inches:
#5 Trout Distance: James Evans 126.08; Tracy Thomas 108.02; Callum Bright 107.01; Stewart Ross 103.09; Stephen Linley 71.00
Virtual entry: Mike Duzynski 127.11; Corey Heath 96.00; Chris Baty 87.08
#7 Trout Distance: James Evans 124.04; Callum Bright 113.01; Tracy Thomas 111.08; Stewart Ross 111.03 Stephen Linley 79.09
Virtual entry: John Reynolds 136.04
ST27: James Evans 131.10; Callum Bright 123.01; Tracy Thomas 119.06; Stewart Ross 118.04; Stephen Linley 101.09
Virtual entry: Mike Duzynski 149.03; John Reynolds 147.10
S55: James Evans 170.04; Stewart Ross 160.09; Callum Bright 146.03; Tracy Thomas 143.07
T38: James Evans 160.05; Stewart Ross 139.02; Tracy Thomas 129.08; Callum Bright 129.03
Virtual entry: Corey Heath 156.01; Chris Baty 155.06; Mark Cuthbert 150.01
T120: James Evans 196.11; Stewart Ross 164.08; Tracy Thomas 143.00
Virtual entry: Chris Baty 185.05; Mark Cuthbert 159.01
Accuracy (points): Tracy Thomas 34; James Evans 32; Mike Heritage 27; Callum Bright 22; Stewart Ross 15
Overall event (points): 1st James Evans 8; 2nd Tracy Thomas 19; 3rd Callum Bright 22.