Posted by James Evans On April 9th, 2014The weather forecast for the day was pretty grim, however it didn’t turn out as bad as it could have. Although the air was ‘heavy’ there was a reasonable wind to start the day when the competition kicked off with the T120 and T38. This wind did cause some problems with casters having to cope with the line being blown into their casting shoulder at times. After a short, heavy downpour distances took a nose-dive, this was particularly evident for the #5 weight event.
Distances are in feet and inches
#5F – Steve Parkes 113.11; James Evans 112.10; Mike Heritage 112.02; Trevor Hayman 107.11; Rob Doyle 100.06 ; Alan Bath 97.07; John Graham 94.02; David Fisher 91.06; John Dawson 90.08; Tracy Thomas 82.05; Wendy Bath 78.10
#7F – James Evans 130.09; Steve Parkes 124.11; Mike Heritage 120.08; Trevor Hayman 117.04; Rob Doyle 109.06; John Graham 105.01; Alan Bath 102.03; David Fisher 101.11; John Dawson 101.04; Tracy Thomas 90.09; Wendy Bath 77.08
B100 (#5 + #7) – Alan Bath 199.10; John Graham 199.03; John Dawson 192.00; Wendy Bath 156.06
B110 (#5 + #7) – Trevor Hayman 225.03; David Fisher 193.05; Tracy Thomas 173.02
ST27 – James Evans 149.04; Mike Heritage 130.01; Trevor Hayman 128.08; Rob Doyle 123.09; Steve Parkes 123.06; Tracy Thomas 118.08; David Fisher 118.04; John Graham 109.02; John Dawson 101.04
T38 – James Evans 183.04; Rob Doyle 146.03; Trevor Hayman 140.07; John Dawson 136.11; Steve Parkes 136.00; John Graham 131.07; Tracy Thomas 122.01; David Fisher 120.01
T120 – James Evans 220.04; Steve Parkes 199.05; Trevor Hayman 189.00; Rob Doyle 183.06; Tracy Thomas 155.04; John Dawson 149.08; David Fisher 138.07
Overall Position (points) – James Evans 6; Steve Parkes 15; Trevor Hayman 17; Rob Doyle 20; Mike Heritage 25; John Graham 35; John Dawson 37; Tracy Thomas 38; David Fisher 38; Alan Bath 40; Wendy Bath 49.
Many congratulations to John Graham who achieved his 35yd badge with a #7 wt outfit – very well done!
Tracy Thomas extended her overall T120 record.