Results – Brecon, Powys. 10/04/22
Another new venue for the BFCC, Brecon in beautiful South Wales, with some great trout rivers that provided some excellent fishing either side of the competition day. On the day casters had a light breeze but had to contend with it swinging direction regularly, so it was rarely aligned with the measuring tapes. The competition kicked off with the accuracy event followed by a break for a very tasty bacon baguette. The T38, S55 and T120 were next up, followed by the #5, #7 and ST27 in the afternoon. The following results are in feet and inches:
#5 Trout Distance: James Evans 124.03; Nick Moore 121.01; Dan Rees 116.01; Steve Parkes 112.04; Mike Heritage 106.06; Tracy Thomas 105.03; Kim Tribe 94.04; Geoff Lawrence 80.00
Virtual #5 Trout Distance: Jose Nieto 123.04
#7 Trout Distance: James Evans 134.07; Steve Parkes 130.00; Dan Rees 126.03; Mike Heritage 126.02; Tracy Thomas 125.06; Nick Moore 123.10; Kim Tribe 102.02; Geoff Lawrence 97.09
Virtual #7 Trout Distance: Jose Nieto 127.00
ST27: James Evans 161.11; Nick Moore 150.06; Steve Parkes 146.01; Mike Heritage 140.02; Tracy Thomas 138.07; Stuart Tod 123.04; Dan Rees 119.01; Geoff Lawrence 94.07
S55: James Evans 196.06; Steve Parkes 181.01; Dan Rees 168.10; Tracy Thomas 150.02; Mike Heritage 147.02; Stuart Tod 146.11; Nick Moore 127.04; Geoff Lawrence 123.03
T38: James Evans 183.10; Stuart Tod 168.01; Nick Moore 161.05; Mike Heritage 159.03; Steve Parkes 144.09; Tracy Thomas 144.03; Dan Rees 140.11; Geoff Lawrence 117.01
T120: Stuart Tod 200.10; James Evans 194.04; Steve Parkes 186.09; Dan Rees 170.06; Mike Heritage 168.03; Nick Moore 163.05; Tracy Thomas 161.02; Geoff Lawrence 149.09
Accuracy (points): Dan Rees 45; Mike Heritage 40; James Evans 35; Nick Moore 29; Steve Parkes 28; Stuart Tod 18; Tracy Thomas 15; Geoff Lawrence 7
Overall event (points): 1st James Evans 10, 2nd Steve Parkes 24, 3rd Dan Rees 28.
Records: Tracy took the women’s S50 #5 trout distance record as well as extending her S50 #7 trout distance best.
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