Results – Bampton, Devon. 8th March 2020
Unfortunately the original venue, Cullompton Cricket Club, was waterlogged which forced a very last minute change of casting pitch. Many thanks to BFCC member John Dawson for finding a replacement at such short notice. Obviously the weather in the South-West had been very wet and the replacement pitch was very muddy, however we made do. The weather on the day was a building westerly wind which swept through some heavy downpours which interrupted the morning session. The competitions started with the accuracy, which was tough given the wind – sometimes requiring casters to aim completely outside of the target rings. We then progressed on to the heavier gear, the T120, T38 & S55g followed by the #5, #7 and ST27 after lunch. The distances below are all in feet and inches:
#5F – James Evans 128.10; Daniel Rees 114.07; Tracy Thomas 110.09; Rob Doyle 96.02; Tony King 94.05; David Fisher 87.02; John Dawson 81.06; Dean Mockridge 77.09; Max Mockridge (Jr) 62.01 .
#7F – James Evans 134.00; Daniel Rees 126.05; Tracy Thomas 121.10; Rob Doyle 105.06; Tony King 101.00; David Fisher 89.10; John Dawson 89.07; Dean Mockridge 82.01; Max Mockridge (Jr) 72.00.
ST27 – James Evans 171.07; Daniel Rees 143.06; Tracy Thomas 134.09; Tony King 122.07; Dean Mockridge 97.02; Tony Wills 97.02; David Fisher 97.01; Max Mockridge (Jr) 72.08.
S55g – James Evans 207.00; Rob Doyle 154.10; Tracy Thomas 152.07; Daniel Rees 143.01; Tony King 113.10.
T38 – James Evans 186.01; Daniel Rees 166.00; Tony King 143.00; Tracy Thomas 138.02; David Fisher 106.11.
T120 – Daniel Rees 186.00; James Evans 184.09; Tony King 161.00; Rob Doyle 160.00; Tracy Thomas 138.05.
Accuracy (Points) – James Evans 38; Daniel Rees 34; Tony King 24; Tracy Thomas 24 ; Rob Doyle 19; Max Mockridge (Jr) 17; John Dawson 16; Dean Mockridge 5.
Records: James Evans extended his overall S55g best as well as taking the ST27 senior record (note – the overall record is held by John Reynolds).
Overall Events (Points) 1st James Evans 8; 2nd Daniel Rees 15; 3rd Tracy Thomas 24.
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